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Freedom to Gamble
Written by Administrator   
Wednesday, 29 October 2008 13:09

Since the introduction of the latest US gaming act many online casinos have stopped accepting players from the US in to their casinos. The Law does not outlaw gambling but it is illegal for American financial institutions to process transactions originating from or directed towards any online gambling operator. So if you cannot transfer funds to an online gaming site such as an online casino then you might as well outlaw gambling in the US.


I work hard for my money as do many others and if I want to but some groceries I can, if I want to buy a car, I can, if I want to go to the cinema, I can. My money is my money and I should be allowed to spend it as I wish which means if I want to gamble I should be allowed to do just that. Whatever happened to the Land of the Free?

The US allows their citizens the opportunity to buy guns but not to transfer their own money in to online gaming sites. I believe there is something wrong here. Many US citizens enjoy a little flutter in an online casino and as long as they are having a little flutter it means that they are not out shooting people. Maybe if all the people who can no longer gambling in online gaming sites went out and shot a member of the government they might reconsider the law.

It is ok to transfer funds to other gambling related sites like national lotteries, horseracing etc and many of the people involved in the creation of the law are benefitting from this new law. I wonder if any of the congressmen had positions as a director of an online casino, would this law have been even thought of never mind passed! 

The US has the capitol of gambling residing in its garden and if you want to play casino slots, blackjack or other casino games there are no problems. What if you do not live close to a casino? Surely you have the right to deposit fund to a harmless online gaming site. You are not hurting anyone by playing a few hands of poker on the internet. Some people are making a killing from this new law while others are closing down and those making a killing are those responsible for the passing of said law.


Is it not time to have some common sense shoved up the backside of the US Government?

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